On Sunday Mornings at 9:30 am we worship Jesus together.
"In Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all." Romans 12:5

Everyone is welcome!
Sunday morning is our time of family worship. During this time :
We sing a blend of old and new songs, from doctrinally rich hymns of the past to contemporary choruses of today.
We pray together corporately - usual led by someone up front.
We read from the Bible: either by someone up front, or together as a church (Bibles are provided if you don't have one already).
We hear the Bible taught - one of our pastors or a guest speaker will proclaim and explain the point of a passage in the Bible (expository preaching), and how it applies to our lives today.
We take up a collection to support and fund the church's gospel work. This is a commitment for regular attendees only.
We observe the Lord's Table (Communion) - usually on the 2nd Sunday of each month.
Occasionally we also baptise believers, dedicate parents with new children to God, welcome people into church membership, and hear testimonies of how God has changed people through Jesus.
Children are welcome and included in all our worship services. (Usually, during the school term, we run age-appropriate programmes from 10am, but during the Covid-19 emergency, Sunday School is not running. Once things return to normal, you will be free to include your children in these programmes, or keep them in the main service.)
After the service, please join us for some light refreshment.

We live stream our services
If for any reason you can't be with us on Sunday mornings, and you aren't able to join another Bible-believing church in worship, join us on our live stream here:

From our Pastor:
Let's sing a new song this Sunday!
As we came out of Covid-19 Lock-down, this short devotional from our Pastor, Richard Cutforth, highlighted the joy and privilege of worshiping together. Be encouraged to join us!