Email, write, phone or drop in! We'd love to hear from you.

Write to us
Howick Baptist Church
P O Box 38110, Howick
Auckland 2145, New Zealand
Phone us
Church Office
Hours: Monday to Friday – 9:00am to 12:00pm
Phone: (09) 534-5142
Drop in during the week
17 Wellington Street
(On the corner of Wellington and Picton Street)
Notice: Collection & Use of Information
We collect information according to the principles of the Privacy Act 1993. We have a detailed Privacy of Information Code which you are welcome to read. Its provisions are summed-up in our undertaking to collect information only for the purposes of providing the services we offer, to store that information safely, to give you access to (as well as the right to request amendment of) the information we hold from you. From time to time we send out information on our services and products: if you do not wish to receive this information please advise us.