Booking for Sunday Worship

During the COVID-19 Alert we are presently gathering for worship under "Traffic Light" Level RED
Dec 11 - Dec 17
All adults and children planning to attend should be pre-booked. It's easy, and it's essential to enable us to safely and properly manage numbers attending in each venue. Once booked, a place in the venue will be kept for you, and you will receive an emailed confirmation, but under the current Traffic Light COVID-19 Alert Management, without an accepted booking for each child and adult, seating may not be available. Please read and follow the Guidelines below.
This schedule displays a week at a time. Scroll through until the Sunday date you want to book is displayed, then click on that date here.
The information collected when you book may be used to assist in the management of the COVID-19 pandemic. It may be given to public health officials in the event that it is required for contact tracing. We will not use it for any other purpose and will destroy it after 60 days. It will be kept securely here at Howick Baptist Church.
Guidelines for Joining Us in Sunday Gathered Worship

Numbers able to attend our Gathered Worship on Sundays are strictly limited by the prevailing COVID-19 regulations. Under the Red setting we have a congregation of 25 in each of our Main Auditorium (from where we stream the service as a live stream here) and in three other separated spaces. To ensure numbers attending are safely managed, those attending should book themselves and any accompanying children beforehand (using the links above) - if you haven't booked, seating may not be available.
As a matter of biblical principle we have chosen not to use the New Zealand My Vaccine Pass (COVID Pass) to filter people attending gathered worship at HBC, so in each service and space there will be a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated people. We therefore ask you to humbly consider one another as more important than yourselves (Philippians 2:3). We gather to worship God together and to encourage one another (Hebrews 10:25), so it is good to make a prayerful and thoughtful assessment in faith of the way attendance may impact on the welfare of others, or on yourself (especially if you are a "vulnerable person"), or on your children. As well as caring for, encouraging and praying for one another, we ask you to support each other's health and safety and to respect the regulations imposed by our Government (Romans 13; Titus 3) by upholding the following protocols:
Each adult and child attending must have pre-booked
Do not come if you or anyone in your household has even mild symptoms of cold, flu, sore throat or other COVID-19 symptoms
Use the entrance/door designated for the venue you are booked for (that will be identified in your booking confirmation email)
Scan in and be signed in on arrival
You may wear a mask if you wish but mask wearing is voluntary
You can mix freely with people in your venue, but please stay in your designated venue and do not mix with people from the other venues
At the close of the service, please exit by the same way you came on arrival, and do not mix with people from the other venues
We also suggest that Sunday by Sunday you book for a different venue to enable fellowship across the widest possible mix of members.
We pray that this Sunday will be a time in which God is glorified, the saving name of Jesus exalted, and the people of God - both those attending and those joining us online - will be blessed.